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Title: Annual and final report 25 July 1989 to 24 July 1990
Title Holder / Company: Peko-Wallsend Operations
Report id: CR1990-0697
Tenure: EL4536
Year: 1990
Author: Lowe, RJ
Abstract: 3 rock chip samples from Metallic Hill returned values that were slightly above background. Observations suggest widespread alteration associated with haematite veining. This suggests that there is a possibility of mineralisation in the area worthy of follow up. Ground magnetics at TC1-Anomaly 21 confirmed that the likely source of the anomaly were magnetic sediments at a depth of 100m. No follow up is recommended. In the central and eastern portion of BMR30-24 a ground magnetic survey indicated a possible ironstone source some 500m below 200E-200N. Further work is required to establish drill targets. 2 mineral claims have been pegged.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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