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Title: Final Report for MCC's 100-114, 145-154, 1063-1064 and MLC 185
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Normandy Tennant Creek
Report id: CR1998-0741
Tenure: MCC100;  MCC101;  MCC102;  MCC103;  MCC104;  MCC105;  MCC106;  MCC107;  MCC108;  MCC109;  MCC110;  MCC111;  MCC112;  MCC113;  MCC114;  MCC145;  MCC146;  MCC147;  MCC148;  MCC149;  MCC150;  MCC151;  MCC152;  MCC153;  MCC154;  MCC1063;  MCC1064;  MLC185
Year: 1998
Author: West, J
Abstract: The claims have been systematically evaluated by soil and rock chip sampling and vacuum drilling. This indicated zones of gold and copper anomalism, which was further evaluated by a detailed aeromagnetic survey with follow up ground magnetic, IP and EM surveys. Shallow RAB drilling highlighted zones of gold and copper mineralisation which were further drilled by RC drill holes and a singular diamond drill hole. Significant copper assays were returned in both the secondary and primary zones. I.e. BCDD151 from 190 to 194m, 2.26% Cu; BRC145 from 88 to 96m, 2.51% Cu and BRC144 from 31 to 40m at 2.09g/t Au.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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