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Title: 1971 Final Report for AP 2612 and AP 3133 Arnhem Land
Title Holder / Company: Stockdale Prospecting
Report id: CR1971-0112
Tenure: AP2612;  AP3133
Year: 1971
Abstract: This report summarises exploration for diamonds and radioactive minerals within Prospecting Authorities 2612 and 3133 at Arnhem Land. Stream samples were collected for kimberlitic indicator minerals such as garnet, ilmenite and chrome diopside as well as diamond. The results of the examination on the Mt. Marumba were positive, but further testing was recomended. Radiometric survey idenftified anomalies which appeared to be related to monazite in the stream beds or laterite.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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