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Title: Final Report for EL 5360 and EL 5805, Partial Relinquishment Report for EL 5359 and EL 5361 period ending 24 March 1990
Title Holder / Company: Stockdale Prospecting
Report id: CR1990-0324
Tenure: EL5359;  EL5360;  EL5361;  EL5805
Year: 1990
Author: Wilson, PD
Abstract: A programme of diamond exploration which consisted of stream, barrage and soil sampling was carried out over ELs 5360 and 5805 and the relinquished portions of ELs 5359 and 5361. Only two of the 48 samples collected produced positive results. These grains are believed to have been deposited as the result of overbank sedimentation from the river. Aerial geophysical data was acquired, reprocessed and examined, but no targets were identified in the relinquished areas. the sampling programme showed that ELs 5360 and 5805 and the relinquished portions of EL 5359 and 5361 have little potential to host a diamondiferous intrusion of economic size.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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