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Title: Final Report, Burt Plain AP 3382 and EL 441
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1972-0067
Tenure: AP3382;  EL441
Year: 1972
Author: Tham, GH
O'Sullivan, KN
Abstract: The area of Burt Plain was examined for its uranium potential. Seismic traverses were conducted to indicate depth to basement. These indicated the possible presence of Mesozoic sediments with a propagation velocity of 3600 m/sec beneath the Tertiary at 1500 m/sec. Precambrian rocks were assumed to 6000 m/sec. Radiometric traverses were conducted and water bores gamma logged. Apart from weak uranium anomalies associated with travertine, no indications were found.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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