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Title: 1969 Final Report Petermann Ranges AP 1435 and AP 1546
Title Holder / Company: Planet Mining
Report id: CR1969-0043
Tenure: AP1435;  AP1546
Year: 1969
Author: Tassell, G
Baird, J
Abstract: This a comprehensive literature review and a summary of previous work and work by Planet Metals during the life on the leases. Geochemical surveys were conducted at Butler Dome, geological mapping at Butler Dome and Olia Chain, Drilling was conducted at Butler Dome in 1967, a structural interpretation was undertaken of Opera House Valley, the underground water potential of the Petermann Ranges area was assessed, airborne magnetics was flown over the Petermann Ranges and a geochemical survey undertaken. It was concluded that anomalous copper, lead and zinc in the Pinyinna beds was secondary surficial concentration and of no economic importance. No data were given in this report. The titles were relinquished.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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