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Title: Final Report on APs 1354 to 1359 for the three month period ending 09-09-1965, including work under option on APs 1325 and 1347.
Title Holder / Company: Kennecott Explorations
Report id: CR1965-0012
Tenure: AP1354;  AP1355;  AP1356;  AP1357;  AP1358;  AP1359;  AP1325;  AP1347
Year: 1965
Author: Halliday, AL
Abstract: APs 1354 to 1359 were explored mainly for copper mineralisation in the upper Proterozoic-Lower Cambrian sandstones. Some work was also conducted on APs 1325 and 1347 under option. Quite detailed geological mapping was undertaken over specific areas including Jervois Range, Utopia- MacDonald Downs, Mopunga Range, Elyuah Range and the area soth of Mount Skinner. Regarding APs 1325, 1347 and 1346, trenches were bulldozed at Mount Skinner copper prospect and rock chip sampled. A regional stream sediment, pediment and soil sampling program was undertaken. Only reconnaissance work was conducted on APs 1354 and 1359. Generally values of the order of 10 to 30 ppm Cu were reported, with a few values above 40 ppm. It was concluded that copper mineralisation at Mount Skinner does not extend outside APs 1325, 1347 and 1346 and the results do not warrant retaining these titles beyond the three months of their interim grant.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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