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Title: 1963 Geological Report on AP 1082 Spring Creek Prospect.
Title Holder / Company: United Exploration
Report id: CR1963-0008
Tenure: AP1082
Year: 1963
Author: Larsen, E
Abstract: Stanniferous lodes were discovered in this locality in the early nineteen fifties by Enterprise Exploration Prospectors. This Company decided to test the deposit and a total of 41 trenches were put down on the most promising of the outcrops. Sampling of the trenches verified the presence of wide spread, but sporadic Tin mineralisation. It must be assumed that the remoteness of the prospect from the main roads, the scattered appearance of the outcrops and the erratic distribution of tin values throughout the lodes, discouraged the company from further exploiting the deposit. The field remained unworked until the middle of 1963, when UNEX Pty Ltd decided to test the deposit by deep trenching and limited wagon drilling. In all over 9,000 feet of trenching was completed, Lack of exposure and inadequate knowledge of the ore controlling factors and geology made this program necessary. It was thought that the quartz shedding pattern arranged parallel to the known lodes could have indicated a hidden box-work system of subsidiary lodes obscured by alluvium. The work performed proves the existence of such a box-work system but the quality and quantity of the reef system remains to small to be of economic value to us. The only further work required is to carefully examine all of the existing exposures in the reef system with emphasis on finding previously overlooked ore shoots.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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