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Title: Partial Relinquishment Report for EL 7557 and EL 7558 Ti Tree Project Northern Territory period 12th December 1991 to 11th December 1996
Title Holder / Company: WMC Resources
Report id: CR1997-0205
Tenure: EL7557;  EL7558
Year: 1997
Author: Lulofs, DS
Abstract: 752 lag samples were collected. Most returned values for gold below the limit of detection. 10 samples returned values greater than or equal to 5ppb Au with a maximum assay of 16ppb Au being obtained. There were 13 rock chip samples collected with a maximum assay of 0.68ppm gold. A programme of 99 auger holes (336. 6m) was completed. Values generally below the limit of detection with a maximum assay of 3ppb Au. 8 RC holes were also completed. No significant values were obtained. 8 dipole magnetic anomalies were tested for their diamond potential. No kimberlitic indicators were found and geochemistry was not significant.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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