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Title: First relinquishment report for EL 8771 for the period 20-10-1994 to 19-10-1996, Barrow Creek district, NT, Baxters Well prospect
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Report id: CR1997-0041
Tenure: EL8771
Year: 1997
Author: Morris, T
Abstract: Much of the licence area is subject to cover. Work completed regional gravity (to outline the extent of the Bullion Schist), airborne magnetics (over the east of the licence), 4 RAB holes (59m) and 7 -80# soil samples. The RAB holes intersected granite after penetrating 2-9m of cover. RAB-soil sample geochemical results were not significant. Much of the relinquished area is interpreted as being underlain by granite.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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