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Title: Fourth partial relinquishment report for the Gundy Spring EL 7201 McArthur Basin, NT
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1996-0443
Tenure: EL7201
Year: 1996
Author: Jones, B
Rogers, T
Abstract: Ground magnetics were completed over the interpreted extension of the EMU fault to assist in the locating of a fence of RC holes to test the structure. 4 holes totalling 404m were completed. No significant values were obtained. Airborne QUESTEM anomaly 3 was followed up by ground TEM. The anomaly was determined to be the result of a surficial conductor. Other work completed included 104 PROTEM soundings, 83 stream sediment samples, 148 soil samples and 4 diamond holes were completed. Results downgraded the prospectivity of the area. 2 loam samples were collected and analysed for kimberlitic indicators. Results were negative.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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