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Title: Third quarterly report on Exploration work covering the period 07-01-1977 - 06-04-1977 Alice Springs.
Title Holder / Company: Uranerz Australia
Report id: CR1977-0048
Tenure: EL979;  EL1001
Year: 1977
Abstract: The commodity explored for is uranium. With percussion/diamond drilling 38 holes were drilled, totaling 2884.55m, including 2078.00m of core. Hole spacing was 1km and average depth 75.91m. Significant mineralization was encountered in 7 holes, viz. J6, 12, 20, 24, 25, 26 and H43. Downhole Logging - Eleven drillholes totaling 760.60m were logged for gamma ray, and if the water table was present, also for S.P. and resistivity. Eight holes were anomalous, with scintillometer readings from 1.9 x to 20 x background. The two highest readings of 18.8 x and 20 x background of J20 were already detected by SRAT scintillometer readings on core and gave 700ppm and 560ppm U3O8. The rerun peak intervals will be converted from cps to ppm U3O8. Water Samples - Water samples were taken from 21 drillholes. Six water samples have uranium concentrations of greater than 25ppb U308. The highest uranium concentration of l3SOppb? U308 was found in 1119 which is not mineralized. More drilling is therefore proposed in the vicinities of H19, H5, H13 and H8. Future Programme; 1) Percussion/diamond scout drilling between. 1158 and 1139. 2) Percussion/diamond scout drilling between 1127 and 1114, and between 1114 and 111. 3) Percussion/diamond scout drilling west of H40. 4) Follow-up drilling between H21 and H8.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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