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Title: Mt Hay Sixteen Mile Project, Hamilton EL 9565, Everard Scrubb EL 9566, Sixteen Mile West EL 8126 and Sixteen Mile East EL 8988, Combined Final Report for period ending 14 September 1997
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR1998-0009
Tenure: EL9565;  EL9566;  EL8126;  EL8988
Year: 1998
Author: Home, DP
Wilkinson, DL
McCoy, AD
Abstract: Detailed airborne magnetics outlined intense magnetic features at 16 mile. 18 line km of detailed magnetics were compiled. A single diamond hole (191.6m) test the feature. This hole intersected magnetite rich gneiss and zone of megacrystic K feldspar. The features were subsequently attributed to the high magnetite content of the rock. Further ground magnetics was completed. 7 RAB holes (725m) were subsequently sited. Only 3 holes reached basement. This basement consisted of gabbro and garnetiferous gneiss. Airborne EM (GEOTEM) totalling 3900 km was flown. Several conductive features were identified. Two features, one near Cobs Dam and another near little Amburla Dam were followed up by ground EM (sirotem). 3 RC holes (305m) tested the feature. The holes intersected garnetiferous gneiss and granulite. The anomalies were sourced in the tertiary cover. Structural features reported include: Mount Hay Massif, Ceilidh Massif and Mount Chappel Massif.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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