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Title: Final report for exploration licence 8774 for the period 16/9/94 to 28/7/97 Tennant Creek District, Northern Territory, Straddle Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Gold
Report id: CR1997-0636
Tenure: EL8774
Year: 1997
Author: West, J
Abstract: This is a summary report only. For details refer to the relevant annuals ie CR95-745 and CR96-781. Work completed over EL 8774 during year one of tenure included a review of previous exploration data, and an unsuccessful attempt at a vacuum drilling programme. In year two of tenure, a RAB drilling programme was completed over the licence. EL 8774 (Straddle) was relinquished due to the generally low geochemical anomalism found during the RAS program, combined with potential difficulties in access and security of tenure posed by the presence of a stock route on the more prospective of the 2 original blocks.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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