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Title: First annual report for EL 9332 Loves Creek, EL 9335 Moonlight Bore and EL 9337 Salt Hole, for period ending 30 May 1997
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1997-0431
Tenure: EL9332;  EL9335;  EL9337
Year: 1997
Author: MacKay, WG
Humphrey, CD
Abstract: 8996.7 line km of high quality, high resolution airborne magnetics-radiometrics was acquired September-October 1996. 64 discrete dipole anomalies were identified plus a very intense magnetic anomaly beneath the Heavitree Quartzite. Follow up of dipole anomalies in 9337 and 9335 including ground magnetics, loam-gravel sampling and regional gravel-rock chip sampling. Rock chip samples returned elevated base metal values. There is however a positive correlation with Fe and Mn.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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