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Title: EL 8716 Mount Stirling (Barrow Creek 1:250 000 sheet) annual report on exploration licence for the year ending 31-10-1996
Title Holder / Company: Aberfoyle Resources
Report id: CR1996-0876
Tenure: EL8716
Year: 1996
Author: Hughes, SLM
Abstract: NTGS radiometric data was imaged as part of this years programme. Interpretation of available data identified a number of magnetic anomalies warranting follow up. Follow up consisted of 43 aircore drill holes (3397.7m). The Quaternary cover ranges in depth from 1-15m, while Tertiary-Cainozoic material was intersected to a maximum depth of 61m. Base metal lithologies intersected correlate to the Bullion Schist-Lander Rock Beds. 6 samples assayed greater than 5.6ppb Au with a maximum value of 13ppb Au.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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