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Title: EL 8717 Ingallan Creek (Mount Peake 1:250,000 sheet) annual report on exploration for the year ended 14-07-1996
Title Holder / Company: Aberfoyle Resources
Report id: CR1996-0637
Tenure: EL8717
Year: 1996
Author: Hughes, SLM
Thompson, AD
Drown, CG
Abstract: Ground magnetics was utilised to fix 6 targets generated from the airborne magnetics. These targets were then RAB drilled. RAB drilling consisted of 45 holes totalling 1571m. The analyses of results found a cluster of low level anomalous results about the limestone bore and two anomalous values to the north of 12 Mile bore. Weak copper anomalism was located in these areas.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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