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Title: Report on exploration activities for EL 7343 30-04-1994 to 29-05-1995 Reynolds Range project Napperby 1:250 000
Title Holder / Company: Poseidon Gold
Report id: CR1995-0403
Tenure: EL7343
Year: 1995
Author: Price, AT
Abstract: 17 costeans (1971.3m), 22 RC holes (1321m), 2 diamond drill holes(230.6m) and 397 RAB holes (1772m) were completed. The costeaning outlined mineralization of N150m strike, though structural displacement is apparent. This anomalism was followed up by a RC-diamond drill program. The drill program indicated that mineralization associated with intense sericite alteration. A maximum assay of 26m at 2.16ppm Au was obtained.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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