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Title: Annual report Mount Todd project area 1992
Title Holder / Company: Zapopan
Report id: CR1993-0256
Tenure: ERL90;  ERL91;  ERL93;  ERL99;  ERL112;  ERL113;  ERL114;  ERL119;  EL7227;  EL7304;  MLN943;  MLN944
Year: 1993
Author: Poxon, R
Abstract: Work completed included additional drilling at Batman, Quigley's and Jones, revised manual and geostatistical estimates at Batman, finalisation of the feasibility study at Batman and the production of an environmental impact statement. This work has shown the viability of Mount Todd resolved environmental issues.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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