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Title: 1991 Annual report on MCS 38 Gheko Prospect
Title Holder / Company: Central Pacific Minerals
Report id: CR1992-0373
Tenure: MCS38
Year: 1992
Author: Fidler, RW
Abstract: No exploration work was carried out during 1991, and instead the potential of the prospect was reviewed. The small size and continuing low price for the commodities involved were such that it was decided that the property should remain on a care and maintenance basis. The means by which the limits of the resource could be increased were also examined. In order to do that, geological mapping, geochemistry, magnetics and IP surveys (conducted in 1970) have been used. These remain a useful base from which to begin any further drilling. Magnetics were used due to the link between sulphide mineralisation and magnetite, and the IP survey was used because the strongest anomaly was located over the most successful hole. The low grade Pb-Zn(Cu) mineralisation is stratigraphically controlled and occurs in gossanous haematite-actinolite rocks marginal to garnetiferous quartzite.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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