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Title: Final Report, EL 4658 Lookin, Finniss River area to February 1987
Title Holder / Company: Urangesellschaft Australia
Idemitsu Uranium Exploration Australia
Report id: CR1987-0020
Tenure: EL4658
Year: 1987
Author: Thevissen, J
Abstract: The exploration programme at the Lookin area (EL 4658), 50 km southwest of Darwin, aimed at testing strong alteration zones of microgneiss lithologies, which are believed to represent a more favourable host rock for economic uranium concentrations within the area. The work involved geophysical surveying, drilling, downhole logging, and geochemical sampling. The investigation results were very disappointing and have therefore downgraded the potential of the Lookin project. Although significant alteration has been confirmed within the carbonates, uranium mineralization has been shown to be both sub-economic and sporadic. No significant alteration has been found within the graphitic microgneisss lithologies of the sequence.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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