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Title: Annual report and terminal report EL 4440 Mary River for 1984-86
Title Holder / Company: Western Mining
Report id: CR1986-0210
Tenure: EL4440
Year: 1986
Author: Hancock, SL
Abstract: Exploration activities within EL 4440 have been directed primarily at assessment of two structural zones inferred as possible syn-depositional fault zones. The work included studies of the geology, geophysics (aeromagnetics, radiometrics, sirotem survey, ground magnetics), and geochemistry (soil sampling) of the target zones. These studies produced negative results and it was therefore concluded that the probability of economic, stratiform Pb-Zn-cu-Ag mineralization occuring within the licence is low.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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