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Title: Annual report for EL 4 Crusader 1 and 2 for the year ending 19/04/1973
Title Holder / Company: Geopeko
Report id: CR1973-0160
Tenure: EL4
Year: 1973
Author: Twist, RF
Abstract: This report summarizes investigations carried out within EL 4 to the year ended 31st December, 1972. The Exploration License (formerly AP 2443) contains an area of 135 square kilometres located between the West and South Alligator Rivers approximately 150 km east of Darwin. More detailed mapping was carried out in the vicinity of Crusader I and Crusader 2 prospects and is shown in the accompanying reports (CR1973-0219 & 220) by BH Duck. Regional magnetics and radiometrics are also
included in these reports. Ground magnetometer surveys were also carried out on Crusader I and 2 and a ground radiometric survey completed on Crusader 1. A total of 114.56 metres of diamond cored hole in two holes Cl/S1, C1/S2 was drilled on Crusader 1, and 520.5 metres of auger drilling and sampling for geochemical purposes completed on both prospects.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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