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Title: EL 6895 (Emerald Springs), annual report for the period ending 21-06-1991
Title Holder / Company: The Shell Company of Australia
Billiton Australia
Report id: CR1991-0394
Tenure: EL6895
Year: 1991
Author: MacKay, CR
Abstract: During the reporting period, a detailed aeromagnetic survey was purchased, which includes the Emerald Springs area. The survey was flown for the purpose of identifying regional structures and more specifically significant magnetic anomalies that may represent bulk tonnage gold mineralisation. The data was processed and interpreted, highlighting several magnetic features in the area. These structures include a major SW-NE fault, a number of small dislocations of magnetic units throughout the area, and a series of folded magnetic units. However, there were no discreet anomalies that could represent bulk tonnage gold mineralisation of the Mt Todd type.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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