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Title: Annual report for EL 23092, for the period 13 February 2004 to 12 February 2005
Title Holder / Company: Red Metal
Report id: CR2005-0027
Tenure: EL23092
Year: 2005
Author: McKay, G
Abstract: EL 23092 was acquired to investigate the prospective Vizard Group within the northern McArthur Basin for lead-zinc deposits similar to the McArthur River deposit. No fieldwork was carried out on the EL during the current year while awaiting consent from Aboriginal land owners for grant of adjacent ELA 23139. Further work is warranted on EL 23092 to ground truth the airborne TEM anomalies and follow-up two unexplained zones of anomalous lead and zinc stream geochemistry. Work in Year 3 will include ground investigation of airborne TEM features and further geochemical stream sampling, soil sampling and ground based gravity over two delineated areas of anomalous stream geochemistry.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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