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YearTitleTitle Holder/CompanyReport idPreviewDownload
2009EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project Fourth annual report for the period 7 May 2008 to 6 May 2009Mithril Resources; Mega HindmarshCR2009-02371 file
2008Exploration Licence EL 24253 Netural Junction Project, Third annual report for the period 7 April 2007 to 6 April 2008Mithril Resources; Mega Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2008-029213 files
2007Exploration licence 24253 Neutral Junction Project, Second annual report for the period 7 April 2006 to 6 April 2007Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2007-01477 files
2006Neutral Junction EL 24253 Annual report for the year ending 6 April 2006Mithril Resources; Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2006-01422 files
2009Mount Skinner Combined report CR106/2008, ELs 25366, 25367, 25574, 25573, 25610, 26025, 25993 for the period 1 February 2008 to 31 January 2009Uramet MineralsCR2009-00512 files
2008First annual report on EL 25367 Wilora Palaeo-channel Uranium Project and Mt Skinner Base Metal Project. 21 February 2007 to 20 February 2008Uramet MineralsCR2008-00656 files
2009Partial surrender report for EL 24253 Neutral Junction Project 11 September 2009Mega Hindmarsh ResourcesCR2009-05392 files
2008Annual report for EL 25290, for the period 23 July 2007 to 22 July 2008Quantum ResourcesCR2008-03651 file
2009Final report for EL 25290 Barrow Creek for the period 23 July 2007 to 5 February 2009Quantum ResourcesCR2009-01971 file
2009Partial relinquishment report for EL 25367 for the period 21 February 2007 to 20 February 2009Uramet MineralsCR2009-02762 files
2006Relinquishment report for EL 23122 Krakatoa from 3 February 2003 to 30 December 2005 and final report for EL 10051 Iloquara from 6 February 2003 to 5 January 2006 Home of Bullion ProjectTanami ExplorationCR2006-00514 files
2006Combined partial relinquishment report for EL 22298, EL 23390, EL 23383, EL 23511 and EL 23116Exploration and Land Management Services; Astro MiningCR2006-01991 file
2007Fourth annual report EL 23122 'Krakatoa' for year ending 5 February 2007Tanami ExplorationCR2007-00603 files
2005Partial relinquishment report for EL 22923 'Strangways', 28 August 2002 to 27 August 2005Tanami ExplorationCR2005-03983 files
2007Partial relinquishment report EL 23122 'Krakatoa' from 3 February 2003 to 2 February 2007 and Final report EL 10050 'Millinoaire's Well' from 6 February 2003 to 5 February 2007Tanami ExplorationCR2007-00742 files
2004Partial relinquishment report for EL 23122 'Karkatoa' 3rd February 2003 to 2nd February 2004 and EL 10050 'Millionaire's Well' 6th February 2003 to 5th February 2004Tanami ExplorationCR2004-01805 files
2007Final report on EL 23122 Krakatoa, 3 February 2003 to 20 December 2007Tanami ExplorationCR2007-07444 files
2006First annual report for EL 24355 Utopia, year ending 24 March 2006Imperial Granite and MineralsCR2006-00882 files
2006Annual report for EL 22923Deep YellowCR2006-05611 file
2007Relinquishment report for the block surrender on EL 24253 'Neutral Junction'MegaHindmarsh ResourcesCR2007-03571 file
2003First and Final report for EL 23187Goldstake Exploration; Imperial Granite and MineralsCR2003-04441 file
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