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dc.contributor.authorSchwartz, A-
dc.description.abstractML 23617 is located approximately 150Km south-southeast of Darwin and approximately 50Km southeast of the Adelaide River Township. The lease is situated within the Bon's Rush. In November of 2009 ML 23617 was acquired by Newmarket Gold Inc. (then Crocodile Gold NT Operations) from previous owners, GBS Gold Australia. The tenement is situated within the South Alligator Group, which consists of the Koolpin Formation, Gerowie Tuff and the Mount Bonnie Formation. Within the northern parts of the tenement area, rocks from the Mount Bonnie Formation (South Alligator Group) can be found to be intruded and thermally metamorphosed by granites from the McKinlay, Allamber Springs and the Tabletop. The Pine Creek Shear Zone transects the central area of the tenement north-northwest to south-southeast. It is also known to contain high occurrences of gold in the region, with deposits such as Union Reefs, International, Enterprise, Gandys, Czarina and Spring Hill located within the tenement area. During the reporting period, exploration activity included a desk top study with the initial stages of compiling historic maps pertaining to the lease beginning. A preliminary geological interpretation was started on the lease during the reporting period and continues during the time this report was written. This report shall discuss in greater detail the exploration activities which occurred over the lease during the reporting period.-
dc.subject.classificationPrecious metals-
dc.subject.classificationGeological setting-
dc.subject.classificationRegional geology-
dc.subject.classificationLocal geology-
dc.subject.classificationPrevious exploration-
dc.subject.classificationLiterature reviews-
dc.subject.classificationGeological interpretation-
dc.subject.classificationMineral resources-
dc.titleAnnual Technical Report ML 23617 Burnside Project - Bon's Rush, from 15 June 2016 to 14 June 2017-
dc.relation.isatmap100Batchelor 5171-
dc.relation.isatmap250Pine Creek SD5208-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovincePine Creek Orogen-
dc.description.stratnameSouth Alligator Group-
dc.description.stratnameFinniss River Group-
dc.description.stratnameKoolpin Formation-
dc.description.stratnameGerowie Tuff-
dc.description.stratnameMount Bonnie Formation-
dc.description.stratnameBurrell Creek Formation-
dc.description.stratnameZamu Dolerite-
dc.contributor.holderNewmarket Gold NT Holdings-
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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