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Title: EL 32064 Vic River 2 Annual and Final Report 5 December 2019 to 22 January 2024
Title Holder / Company: Wright, A
Report id: CR2024-0013
Tenure: EL32064
Year: 2024
Author: Wright, A
Abstract: EL 32064 is 680 km from Darwin and 380 km from Katherine and because it is so far out of town I live out there for weeks when I go. I have continued prospecting the area looking for more copper occurrences. I mainly did rock chip sampling by smashing open a few surface rocks and stream sediment sampling after the wet season. Samples are not assayed. There is potential for copper, however, I have decided to surrender the title in full to focus on other areas of interest.
Date Added: 3-Jul-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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