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Title: Annual Technical Group Exploration Report - Year 2 EL 31013 from 17 August 2017 to 16 August 2018
Title Holder / Company: Scriven Exploration
Report id: CR2018-0379
Tenure: EL31013
Year: 2018
Abstract: This Annual Report outlines exploration activities undertaken by the Operator on EL 31013 from 17 August 2017 to 16 August 2018. This period represents Year Two of the Licence. The Exploration Licence is situated on the Wallhallow (SE5307) 1:250,000 mapsheet, and Lancewood (6163) 1:100,000 topographic mapsheet in the McArthur Region of the Northern Territory. The licence is located approximately 125 kilometres south of the township of Borroloola and is accessed via existing sealed and gravel roads. On-ground activities completed during the reporting period was loam sampling comprising a total 3 samples and detailed EM34 surveys comprising a total 12line km. The surveys highlighted numerous NE and NNE trending linear narrow conductor anomalies.
Date Added: 30-Jun-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL31013_2018_A_01.pdf706.82 kBPDF Add
EL31013_2018_A_04_Appendix_13.3_NTK_Series_Samples_Kiana_2018.xls26 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR2018-0379_Geophysics.zip59.54 kBZIP Add

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