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dc.contributor.authorFerris, G-
dc.contributor.authorKeys, E-
dc.description.abstractThe Tregony brownfields diamond drilling project was aimed to provide structural and stratigraphic context to the recently released gold resource at Tregony12 The single deep (350.2m) hole (TGRD2301) was designed to test/extend mineralisation down dip while providing structural and stratigraphic context to mineralisation in a knowledge gap. Prodigy Gold NL ('Prodigy') believes that contemporary structural information is necessary to better understand the existing stacked-vein structural model, to which mineralisation was previously understood to terminate on the interpreted footwall structure of the Supplejack Shear. The program comprised one diamond core drill hole (with Reverse Circulation ('RC') pre-collar) and the collection of additional drill hole data through the running of a suite of downhole wireline probes. The single deep drill diamond hole provided fractured bedrock samples that required downhole wireline geophysical surveying to provide requisite structural data to meet the holes objectives. Context for the mineralisation observed in TGRD2301 was provided through visually logged geological information in conjunction with borehole wireline surveying that will be used to improve the understanding of the mineralisation with respect to structural controls and stratigraphy. Multielement (ME) geochemical analyses supported gold-only assaying to achieve stratigraphic context with returned significant gold mineralisation. This drillhole will fundamentally guide infill and extensional drilling and assist with any future upgrades to the published 2012 JORC resource towards indicated status with more total contained ounces. The area has been mapped and interpreted by multiple geologists and methods from the NTGS, Acacia Resources, Ord River Resources, ABM Resources, and Prodigy Gold. Lithologies identified over the area belong to the favourable Killi Killi Fm (part of the Tanami Group) and unfavourable Birrindudu Group, which sits unconformably over the Tanami Group in the Tregony area. ABM Resources and Prodigy Gold did extensive ME sampling (at surface from drill spoils and from drilling) at Tregony and interpreted the presence of the Killi Killi Formation. To the north of Tregony, Birrindudu group sediments were observed to be >300m thick from surface at Boco North (Round 15 NTGS resourcing the Territory initiative program). Drilling at Tregony and recent field work conducted by Prodigy Gold in 2020-2021 has highlighted the presence of strongly foliated micaceous sandstone thought to be from the Killi Killi Formation, which is in part covered by the Birrindudu Group in areas. The favourable units have been deformed by at least three phases of deformation resulting in folding, thrusting and structural repetition of those units. Several phases of post mineralisation faulting are recognised and likely to be present, potentially offsetting mineralisation. A series of structural trends were interpreted in the area from multiple geologists using different data sets. The latest regional interpretation was integrated with earlier detailed company interpretations (Ord River Resources, Prodigy Gold) and three trends stand out. A main N-trending Crusade - Tregony - Suplejack Fault/Corridor, a NW-trending fault splay off the main corridor consisting of the PHD Fault and sub parallels, and a series of obliquely trending E-W favourable conjugates and post mineralisation brittle faults. Detailed aeromagnetic interpretation over the Tregony and surrounding prospects outlined N-S trending magnetic bedding interpreted to represent stratiform mafic intrusive rocks. The bedding shows evidence for thrust repetition and NE-SW / NW-SE / sub E-W strike-slip fault offset. The interpretation outlined the presence of the Tregony/Supplejack shear running N-S, on the western side of the mineralisation. Detailed mapping of outcropping quartz veins outlines a dominant N-S trend. The other 2023 round 16 NTGS-Prodigy collaborative geophysics program succeeded in a regional ground gravity survey at the Tregony area belonging to the Tanami North project. The surveys successfully imaged both the Tanami Group lithologies and the overlying cover sequence. The data collected is comparable to that of the quality of magnetic data. In magnetically quiet areas, it has been possible to image additional stratigraphic units and the method has been able to image the controlling Au-bearing structures that only occur as subtle features in the magnetics.-
dc.subject.classificationPrecious metals-
dc.subject.classificationRegional geology-
dc.subject.classificationPrevious exploration-
dc.subject.classificationDiamond drilling-
dc.subject.classificationDrill collars-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole logs-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole data-
dc.subject.classificationGeological logs-
dc.subject.classificationWire line logs-
dc.subject.classificationCore photography-
dc.subject.classificationDrill core analysis-
dc.subject.classificationDrill core sampling-
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical data-
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical sampling-
dc.subject.classificationAssay value-
dc.titleRound 16 Resourcing the Territory Initiative Tregony Brownfields Diamond Concept Stratigrapic Drilling R16-
dc.relation.isatmap100Wilson Creek 4959-
dc.relation.isatmap100Buck 4958-
dc.relation.isatmap250Tanami SE5215-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceKalkarindji Province-
dc.description.geochemicalsampling229 Drill samples-
dc.description.drilling1 Diamond hole for 350.2m including 120m of RC pre-collar (TGRD2301)-
dc.contributor.holderProdigy Gold-
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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