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Title: Annual report for the Tanami Project Area for the period March 1993 to February 1994 Volume 5 - EL 2370
Title Holder / Company: North Flinders Mines
Report id: CR1994-0327
Tenure: EL2370
Year: 1994
Author: Archibald, DAC
Abstract: In the year ending February 1994 the work completed included rock chip and lag sampling, gravity, ground TEM, IP, radiometric and magnetics, costeaning, RAB, RC and diamond drilling at a number of geochemical-geophysical anomalies. The diamond drill hole at Lennard Ridge was useful in correlating stratigraphy with that of Dead Bullock Soak. The diamond drill hole at Red Eye encountered 6m at 0.36g-t Au associated with quartz veining at the base of the hole. Lag sampling at Challenger defined a zone with anomalous Au-U-W-Co associated with the unconformity between the Gardiner Sandstone and the Tanami Group, the area is named Challenger 2. Follow up RAB drilling verified the anomaly returning a maximum assay of 3m at 0.28g-t Au. RAB drilling at Smoke Hills (178 holes totalling 4326m) defined a narrow zone of 1km strike containing low order mineralization (3m at 0.88ppm max).
NOTE6 volume report split into 6 CR's, see below;
CR1994-0499 - Volume 1
CR1994-0328 - Volume 2
CR1994-0330 - Volume 3
CR1994-0329 - Volume 4
CR1994-0327 - Volume 5
CR1994-0500 - Volume 6
Date Added: 23-Apr-2024
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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