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dc.description.abstractKnox Resources Pty Ltd (Knox or the Company) was successfully awarded a grant under the Northern Territory (NT) Government's Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations (GDC) program, GDC1500035. Knox holds a significant tenure in the prospective East Tennant (ET) region within the Georgina Basin, NT. Knox's exploration activities in the NT are focused on Tennant Creek-style ironstone associated with gold-copper-bismuth mineralisation, part of the iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) group of deposits. The co-funding diamond drilling campaign supported by Knox and the GDC program resulted in a single drill hole, Leichhardt East - KNXLE001RDD (also referred as LE001) in exploration licence (EL) 32295. EL 32295 lies approximately 160 km east of Tennant Creek. On 21 February 2023, EL 32295 was amalgamated with EL 32820 and EL 32821 and is now EL 33375. LE001 drilling activities were executed by DDH1 Drilling between 21 November 2022 and 5 December 2022. LE001 was drilled to a total depth of 699.8 m to test a high-intensity, near-coincident, magnetic and gravimetric anomaly. Interpretations on solid geology revealed the anomaly's correlation with a strongly magnetic skarn, calc-silicates, or altered clastic sedimentary rocks. Samples recovered from LE001 drill hole are interpreted as Proterozoic basement units consisting of coarse-grained granite (Tennant Creek Supersuite), underlain by sequences equivalent to the Warramunga Formation and/or the Alroy Formation (siltstones and felsic tuff). Additionally, numerous intervals of haematite-dominant ironstone with minor bornite and chalcopyrite overprinting were recognised. Alteration assemblages consist of haematite, chlorite and sericite. The preliminary results showed clear indications of potential for a Tennant Creek-style copper-gold mineralisation. LE001 drill hole successfully achieved its primary objectives, having drilled through the magnetic anomaly and determined stratigraphic relationships within the Georgina Basin sequence.-
dc.subject.classificationPrecious metals-
dc.subject.classificationBase metals-
dc.subject.classificationIron oxides-
dc.subject.classificationPrevious exploration-
dc.subject.classificationDiamond drilling-
dc.subject.classificationDrill collars-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole logs-
dc.subject.classificationDrill hole data-
dc.subject.classificationCore photography-
dc.subject.classificationDown hole geophysics-
dc.subject.classificationGeotechnical data-
dc.subject.classificationSpecific Gravity-
dc.subject.classificationMagnetic properties-
dc.subject.classificationMagnetic susceptibility-
dc.subject.classificationQualitative analysis-
dc.subject.classificationX ray fluorescence spectrometers-
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical data-
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical sampling-
dc.subject.classificationDrill core analysis-
dc.subject.classificationDrill core sampling-
dc.subject.classificationAssay value-
dc.titleGeophysics and Drilling Collaboration Program Round 15 2022 EL 32295 Leichhardt East Drilling (LE001) Geogina Basin, NT-
dc.relation.isatmap100Favenc 5958-
dc.relation.isatmap100Dalmore 6058-
dc.relation.isatmap250Alroy SE5315-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceGeorgina Basin-
dc.description.geochemicalsampling458 Drill samples-
dc.description.drilling1 Diamond hole for 699.8m (KNXLE001RDD)-
dc.contributor.holderKnox Resources-
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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