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dc.contributor.authorEsser, D-
dc.contributor.authorAivazpourporgou, S-
dc.contributor.authorMicklethwaite, S-
dc.contributor.authorDe Mello Vilhena JF-
dc.description.abstractDIP039 is part of a series of publications, Warramunga Province mineral deposit series, focused on the key deposits in the Tennant Creek mineral field and the Rover field in the Warramunga Province, central Northern Territory. The publications and digital data comprise regional and individual deposit 3D compilations and accompanying atlases. A 1:25 000 scale interpreted geology GIS package is also part of this series. To date the series contains the regional setting (DIP023), Rover 1 deposit (DIP024), Explorer 108 and Curiosity deposits (DIP025), the Explorer 142 deposit (DIP026), the White Devil deposit (DIP027), Warrego deposit (DIP028), the Juno deposit (DIP037), the Northern Star deposit (DIP038), and Nobles Nob (DIP040).-
dc.publisherNorthern Territory Geological Survey-
dc.rights.uriWith the exception of the Northern Territory of Australia, Resourcing the Territory and University of Queensland logo, other government and corporate logos and where otherwise noted, all material in this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence <a href="" target="_blank"> (</a>.-
dc.rights.uriYou are free to re-use the work under the licence, on the condition that you attribute the Northern Territory of Australia (NT Geological Survey) and University of Queensland and comply with the other licence terms.-
dc.subject.classificationGeological interpretation-
dc.titleWarramunga Province mineral deposit series: Gecko Corridor 3D compilation and deposit atlas-
dc.typeNTGS Digital Information Package-
dc.typeGIS Data-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceTennant Region-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceWarramunga Province-
dc.description.stratnameWarramunga Formation-
dc.description.mineprospectnameGecko Corridor-
dc.description.publicnotesThe 3D compilations can be viewed using Geoscience Analyst software, which is a free viewer and can be downloaded from the following location:
dc.description.publicnotesDigital data is provided in Geoscience Analyst format.-
dc.identifier.collectionnameDigital Information Packages-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP023 - Regional settings</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP024 - Rover 1 deposits</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP025 - Explorer 108 and Curiosity deposits</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP026 - Explorer 142 deposit</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP027 - White Devil deposit</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP028 - Warrego deposit</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP037 - Juno deposit</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP038 - Northern Star deposit</a>-
dc.description.otherlinks<a href="" target="_blank">DIP040 - Nobles Nob deposit</a>-
dc.format.gisGeoscience Analyst-
dc.relation.formatisgisversionGeoscience Analyst, 09/11/2022-
Appears in Collections:Digital Information Packages

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