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Title: Annual Technical Report Year Twenty Three Mineral Authority 364 2 July 2015 to 1 July 2016
Title Holder / Company: Compass Resources
Report id: CR2016-0418
Tenure: MA364
Year: 2016
Author: Edgar, H
Abstract: Mineral Authority 364 (the licence) is located approximately 80km South of Darwin and has an area of 357.8 square kilometres. The licence area sits within the Browns Deposit in the Rum Jungle Mineral Field. This mineral field host various commodities, which includes copper, lead, nickel, zinc and cobalt. During the reporting period, two Induced Polarisation (IP) lines were conducted on the licence and a compilation of the lithology, reports and geophysical data was also conducted.
Date Added: 2-Aug-2022
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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MA364_2016_A_01.pdf1.09 MBPDF Add
MA364_2016_A_02_Appendix1_Geology_Map_Legend.pdf218.46 kBPDF Add
MA364_2016_A_03_Appendix2_IP_Survey_and_Modelling_Report.pdf4.54 MBPDF Add
CR2016-0418_Geophysics.zip28.82 MBZIP Add

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