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dc.contributor.authorLivesey, J
dc.description.abstractThe Chandler Project is located in the Amadeus Basin, approximately 130km south of Alice Springs. This annual report relates to EL 29018 North Charlotte for the reporting period ending 11th April 2016. The tenement is wholly owned by Tellus Holdings Ltd. The Chandler Project is targeting subsurface salt deposits to assess potential evaporitic mineralisation within the Amadeus Basin. Two known salt units are present in the Chandler project area, namely the Chandler Formation and the deeper Gillen Salt Member. Exploration activities to date indicate a significant thickness of massive to semi massive halite exists within the Chandler Formation. Tellus completed a drilling program within EL 29018 to confirm depth and thickness of Chandler Salt Formation. Two diamond drillholes were completed with a total of 1937m drilled. Excellent core recovery was achieved throughout the holes. Geochemical and XRD analysis results confirmed the high grade halite deposit. During the reporting period the wireline and stratigraphic information resulting from the drilling program were used to update the seismic interpreted geological model over the project area and assist in mine planning studies. Salt pilot processing test work commenced for wet and dry salt processing. Tellus will continue to progress feasibility studies for the Chandler Project. This will continue throughout 2016 and likely to include further drilling and geotechnical assessment. EIS studies for Chandler Project are being finalised. Additional water investigation and production testing program is planned during the coming year.
dc.subject.classificationSodium chloride
dc.subject.classificationRegional geology
dc.subject.classificationGeological setting
dc.subject.classificationWater bore drilling
dc.subject.classificationSeismic survey methods
dc.subject.classificationElectroseismic survey
dc.subject.classificationElectrotelluric survey
dc.subject.classificationGeophysical logs
dc.subject.classificationGeophysical surveys
dc.subject.classificationGeophysical data
dc.subject.classificationWire line logging
dc.subject.classificationMineral resources
dc.subject.classificationInferred mineral resources
dc.subject.classificationIndicated mineral resources
dc.subject.classificationMeasured mineral resources
dc.titleAnnual Technical Report EL 29018 for period ending 11 April 2016
dc.relation.isatmap100Charlotte 5648
dc.relation.isatmap250Rodinga SG5302
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAmadeus Basin
dc.description.stratnameChandler Formation
dc.description.stratnameGillen Member
dc.description.geochemicalsampling24 water samples with various analysis from 8 water bore holes
dc.description.drilling8 water bores drilled, totalling 2009m (WT1, WT2, WT3, WT4, WT5, WT6, PB1, PB2)
dc.contributor.holderTellus Holdings
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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