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dc.contributor.authorMule, S-
dc.contributor.authorMunday, T-
dc.contributor.authorCahill, K-
dc.contributor.authorIbrahimi, T-
dc.contributor.authorBlaikie, TN-
dc.contributor.authorLey-Cooper, Y-
dc.contributor.authorSorensen, C-
dc.description.abstractThe southern McArthur Basin hosts the McArthur River and Teena Zn-Pb-Ag deposits and is highly prospective for base metals. This project collated open source AEM data sets within the Southern McArthur Basin, documented system characteristics and modelled these data to produce maps of subsurface conductivity.-
dc.description.abstractThis Digital Information Package presents results including:-
dc.description.abstract- Individual survey locations in GIS format-
dc.description.abstract- Quality controlled AEM data-
dc.description.abstract- AEM system characteristics-
dc.description.abstract- Transformations of AEM data to CDI products using EMFlow-
dc.description.abstract- Full non-linear inversion of selected AEM data sets-
dc.publisherNorthern Territory Geological Survey-
dc.rights.uriWith the exception of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) logo, Northern Territory of Australia logo, other government and corporate logos, and where otherwise noted, all material in this publication and accompanying data is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>).-
dc.rights.uriYou are free to re-use the work under the licence, on the condition that you attribute the Northern Territory of Australia (Northern Territory Geological Survey) and comply with the other licence terms.-
dc.subject.classificationAerial EM survey data-
dc.titleCSIRO-NTGS McArthur Basin Project: analysis and interpretation of historical AEM data sets-
dc.typeNTGS Digital Information Package-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceSouth Nicholson Basin-
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceMcArthur Basin-
dc.description.stratnameBarney Creek Formation-
dc.description.publicnotesDownload DIP033 from the 'Download-Link' file (3.6 GB), or-
dc.description.publicnotesRequest DIP033 using 'Add to Request'.-
dc.identifier.collectionnameDigital Information Packages-
Appears in Collections:Digital Information Packages

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