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Title: First Annual Report Amalgamated Annual Group Report GR370 EL 28462, EL 29731, EL 30521 period ending 7 December 2015
Title Holder / Company: May Drilling
Report id: CR2015-0877
Tenure: EL28462;  EL29731;  EL30521
Year: 2015
Author: Mees, H
Abstract: Work carried out on the GR370 Group of tenements during the reporting period included rock-chip and soil sampling for gold and tin-tantalum mineralisation over areas of quartz veining and pegmatites, a costeaning and shallow RC drilling program for pegmatite hosted tin-tantalum at Goosewing Pegmatite prospect on EL 28462, acquisition of aerial photographs and BLEG stream sediment sampling. A total of 67 rock-chip samples, 2 BLEG stream samples, 168 RC drill samples and 83 costean channel samples were collected during the period. Assays for most of these samples were not available yet at time of reporting. Target commodities were precious metals and tin-tantalum.
Date Added: 4-Aug-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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