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Title: Mount Todd Project Combined Annual Report for the period ended 14 March 2015 EL 29882 and EL 29886
Title Holder / Company: Vista Gold
Report id: CR2015-0261
Tenure: EL29882;  EL29886
Year: 2015
Author: Harris, P
Abstract: EL's 29882 and 29886 are situated approximately 40 km east of the town of Pine Creek. This annual report documents the work completed on the licences for the period from 15 March 2014 to 14 March 2015. The ELs as they stand are the result of a consolidation and spilt of EL 25576, EL 25670, EL 25668 and EL 25669 which occurred on the 16/09/2013. Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd. is the sole operator and manager of the exploration work. Work continued on the exploration licenses despite continued budgetary limitations, the work conducted was predominantly soils and mapping carried out on the Wandie copper occurrence, with 840 soils and 49 rock-chip samples collected identifying significant Cu mineralisation with associated Au anomalism. The target was defined sufficiently to put forward a diamond drilling program.
Date Added: 8-Apr-2021
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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GR087_2015_GA_01.pdf872.19 kBPDF Add
GR087_2015_GA_02_SoilGeochem.txt92.91 kBText Add
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GR087_2015_GA_04_Funding_Application_Wandie_Copper.PDF884.5 kBPDF Add
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