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Title: Officer Hills South Project EL 27995 Annual Technical Report for the period 18 November 2015 to 17 November 2016
Title Holder / Company: Tychean Resources
Ramelius Resources
Report id: CR2016-0626
Tenure: EL27995
Year: 2016
Author: van, Noort, E
Abstract: This report discusses exploration activities on EL 27995, located c. 540 km north-west of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, for the first year of tenure, covering the period 18th November 2015 to 17th November 2016. During 2014, Ramelius Resources Ltd entered into a Farm-in Agreement with Tychean Resources Limited, comprising the Tanami Joint Venture, which includes EL 27995. Ramelius are operators of the project and can earn an 85% Joint Venture Interest in the tenement package by sole funding $500,000 over 3 years. Work carried out during 2016 comprised a compilation and assessment of all open-file data, aeromagnetic interpretation and target generation. No on-ground activities were conducted. Concealed Dead Bullock Formation stratigraphy, in the eastern part of the license, is worthy of follow-up. A limited vacuum or RAB drilling programme, to assess the structure under colluvial cover, is planned.
Date Added: 24-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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