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dc.contributor.authorBain, CJ
dc.description.abstractEL 28045, Southern Cross Bore Project, located about 75 kms northeast of Alice Springs is bisected by a north trending zone of intense tectonism called the Pinnacles Shear Zone hosting quartz - copper veins to the east and Johnnies Reward prospect to the west. Local geology is dominated by protolithic carbonate in the east which transitions abruptly to a pelite-psammite-acid volcanic sequence in the west assigned to the 1810 - 1800Ma Cadney metamorphics, Aileron Province, Strangways Metamorphic Complex, southeast Arunta Inlier. Johnnies Reward is a mature prospect discovered in 1964. Since acquisition by Davenport, exploration undertaken on the project area includes an RC drilling program, a soil-sampling program, rock sampling, a second drilling program including both RC and diamond drilling and a heliborne VTEM and magnetics survey. A VTEM survey in 2013 identified a number of anomalies, two of which were classified as high priority. At that time recommendations for future exploration at the Southern Cross Bore Project included a down hole EM survey and follow-up drilling. However, the break in field work due to the difficulty in raising funds for exploration meant that older drill holes where not open for DHEM. During 2017 Davenport undertook a fauna and flora report and a weed management study as a requirement for the Mine Management Plan (MMP). Historic exploration data was accessed and re-assessed with information included in compiling a new comprehensive GIS for the licence. As part of this data review process it was determined that there was sufficient drilling to complete an initial JORC Resource estimate on the Johnnies Reward prospect and the report was completed in early 2018. The resource estimate, based on past drilling at Johnnies Reward and prepared by Conarco Consulting includes an Inferred Resource of 2.2 Mt at 1.4 g/t gold equivalent for 101 koz gold equivalent. The Mineral Resource includes 52,000 ounces gold at 0.7 g/t gold and 9000 tonnes copper at 0.4% Cu. It is open down dip and additional plates modelled from the VTEM survey have not been drill tested. Davenport listed on the ASX in early 2017 with a primary focus on potash in Germany. Notwithstanding the availability of untested targets at Johnnies Reward and across the broader tenement Davenport was unable to find a partner to take on the exploration commitment and a decision was made to relinquish EL 28045.
dc.subject.classificationPrecious metals
dc.subject.classificationBase metals
dc.subject.classificationRegional geology
dc.subject.classificationLocal geology
dc.subject.classificationPrevious exploration
dc.subject.classificationMining history
dc.subject.classificationRC drilling
dc.subject.classificationDiamond drilling
dc.subject.classificationGeochemical exploration
dc.subject.classificationSoil sampling
dc.subject.classificationRock chip sampling
dc.subject.classificationStream sediment sampling
dc.subject.classificationGeophysical surveys
dc.subject.classificationAerial geophysical surveys
dc.subject.classificationAerial EM surveys
dc.subject.classificationAerial magnetic surveys
dc.subject.classificationAerial radiometric survey
dc.subject.classificationGeophysical interpretation
dc.subject.classificationMetallurgical testing
dc.subject.classificationMine management
dc.subject.classificationLiterature reviews
dc.subject.classificationData compilation
dc.subject.classificationMineral resources
dc.subject.classificationInferred mineral resources
dc.titleRelinquishment Report EL 28045 Southern Cross Bore Project (SXB)
dc.relation.isatmap100Laughlen 5751
dc.relation.isatmap250Alice Springs SF5314
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceArunta Region
dc.relation.isatgeolprovinceAileron Province
dc.description.stratnameCadney Metamorphics
dc.description.mineprospectnameJohnnies Reward Prospect
dc.description.mineprospectnameBlack Angus
dc.description.publicnotesSee CR2012-1146 for RC Drilling and Soil Sampling
dc.description.publicnotesSee CR2013-1191 for Diamond Drilling, RC Drilling, Soil and Rock Chip Sampling.
dc.description.publicnotesSee CR2017-0689 for Stream and Rock Chip Sampling
dc.contributor.holderDavenport Resources
dc.identifier.collectionnameMinerals Exploration Reports (MEX)
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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