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Title: Annual Report on GR012/09, MCN 4902, MCN 4903, MCN 4904, MCN 4905, MCN 4907, MCN 5193, MCN 5194, MCN 5195, MCN 5196, MCN 5197, MCN 5198, MCN 5199 and MCN 5200 Priscilla Line Group for the year ending 7 August 2012
Title Holder / Company: Element 92
Crocodile Gold
Thundelarra Exploration
Page, D
Report id: CR2012-0838
Tenure: MCN4902;  MCN4903;  MCN4904;  MCN4905;  MCN4907;  MCN5193;  MCN5194;  MCN5195;  MCN5196;  MCN5197;  MCN5198;  MCN5199;  MCN5200
Year: 2012
Author: Bajwah, ZU
Abstract: During the reporting period, a detailed review of the available geological, structural and geophysical data was undertaken in order to define further targets for drill-testing. Detailed mapping revealed that project area contains prospective lithologies such as folded the Mt Bonnie Formation, Gerowie Tuff and Burrell Creek Formation, which are characterised by structurally prepared sites for gold mineralisation. These sites appear as magnetic anomalies on the high resolution TMI images. Drilling program undertaken, so far, has returned significant gold-bearing intercepts and provides encouragement for further exploration.
Date Added: 24-Dec-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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