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Title: 2013 Amy 2D Seismic Survey - Interpretation Report
Title Holder / Company: PetroFrontier
Report id: PR2014-0080
Tenure: EP127;  EP128;  EP103;  EP104
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: StatOil Australia
Abstract: This reports is an interpretation of the (AMY 2D) lines integrated with legacy data and the Emma (Ross Infill) 2D interpretation report. A full interpretation has been performed for two key seismic horizons - Top Progrades (Near Top Arthur Creek) and (Near) Top Thorntonia. Interpretation is based on a time-depth function from well data across the area. This project did not repeat all the work done by Peter Boult in the Emma survey although the seismic has been interpreted over the entire area as the additional seismic data may have led to some modifications to the earlier interpretation. No significant differences in interpretation have been recognized on the legacy data. Data quality issues are also discussed, in particular the relationship between the structural style of the area and its effect on data quality. This will be important for the planning of future seismic surveys in the area.
Document Type: Seismic Interpretation
Date Added: 7-Nov-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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