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Title: Final Report for Central Batten GR478 EL 31426, EL 31596, EL 31597, EL 31687, EL 30868 and EL 31875, reporting period 24 March 2018 to 30 May 2019
Title Holder / Company: MMG Exploration
Report id: CR2019-0186
Tenure: EL30868;  EL31426;  EL31596;  EL31597;  EL31687;  EL31875
Year: 2019
Author: Lester, K
Abstract: Between 24 March 2016 and 28 November 2018, MMG was granted 6 exploration tenements in the McArthur Basin. These have been combined as the Central Batten Group Reporting area (GR478). Initial exploration activities on these tenements consisted primarily of desktop studies. In 2017 MMG engaged an external consultant to assist in the generation of a number of targets in alternative stratigraphic positions outside of the conventional Barney Creek Formation target horizon. In June 2018 field reconnaissance and mapping was completed on EL 31687 that identified fine grained lithologies within the Balbirini Dolomite. An extensive soil sampling program (80 samples) to test for anomalism within the Balbirini Dolomite was conducted in July/August 2018. The highest Zn assay obtained in a soil sample was 73 ppm. Two diamond drill holes and one IP line were designed on the EL 31687 but due to delays in permitting no ground disturbing works were conducted in 2018. No exploration was undertaken from 01/01/2019 - 30/05/2019. At the end of 2018, MMG evaluated their exploration strategy. As a result, in early 2019 MMG decided it would not continue with its greenfields exploration programs. Therefore, a decision was made to relinquish all tenements that comprised the Central Batten project.
Date Added: 21-Oct-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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