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Title: Final report for EL 31614 reporting period 17 January 2018 to 30 May 2019
Title Holder / Company: MMG Exploration
Report id: CR2019-0296
Tenure: EL31614
Year: 2019
Author: Lester, K
Abstract: Between 3 March 2016 and 2 July 2018, MMG was granted 22 exploration tenements in the McArthur Basin, including EL 31614. This tenement along with the other granted tenements, formed the South Batten project. The primary exploration target for MMG is zinc-lead deposits in black shales of the McArthur Group. Initial field reconnaissance was conducted in 2016 and 2017 to assess access into areas for proposed drilling and program logistics. Exploration activities consisted mainly of desktop studies and field reconnaissance exercises in the Tanumbirini, Letterbox and Glyde River areas. In 2018 an external consultant was engaged to develop a detailed structural history and solid geology interpretation of the Glyde area using regional-scale geophysical datasets and camp-scale surveys (Falcon GD and GeoTEM). In 2018 the learnings to date were used to design a major field campaign in 2018 including ground geophysics (IP) at Tanumbirini and a proposed heli-rig drilling program at Glyde River. Unfortunately ground disturbing exploration activities in the South Batten Group Reporting area experienced significant delays due to long wait times on obtaining AAPA cultural heritage clearance surveys and a Mine Management Plan. In 2018 helicopter supported field reconnaissance and surface sampling was undertaken on the South Batten Group Reporting tenements, there was no ground disturbing works (drilling or IP surveys). At the end of 2018, MMG evaluated their exploration strategy. As a result, in early 2019 MMG decided it would not continue with its greenfields exploration programs. Therefore, a decision was made to relinquish some of their exploration tenements, including tenement EL 31614.
Date Added: 10-Sep-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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