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Title: Yundurbulu Project Second Annual and Final Report for EL 31303 for the period 6 February 2017 to 5 February 2019
Title Holder / Company: Lichfield Minerals
Report id: CR2019-0097
Tenure: EL31303
Year: 2019
Author: Pustahya, M
Abstract: This report covers the operational year 1 (6th February 2017 to 5th May 2019). No field exploration activities have been carried out since the grant of the tenement. The tenement was granted on the 6th February 2017. Exploration license EL 31303 is centred approximately 200 km northwest of Alice Springs. The tenement lies within the Napperby SF 53-09 1: 250 000 and the Reynolds Range SF 5453 1:100 000 map sheets. Numerous tracks to the area provide good access to the ground. Extensive in-house desktop studies were conducted by Litchfield Minerals during the reporting period in preparation for exploration subject to funding.
Date Added: 13-Aug-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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