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Title: Amadeus Basin Workshop August 22 1983 to August 25 1983
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Petroleum
Report id: PR1983-0019
Year: 1983
Abstract: This interim report is a review of the Amadeus Basin Workshop undertaken at Pancontinental Petroleum Limited's offices in Sydney. The aims were to (i) develop a structural model by an examination of evidence from Landsat, gravity, photogeological, geological and seismic data; (ii) assess the prospectiveness of lead areas by an examination of the above data; (iii) familiarise each participant with other workers' ideas and (iv) assess the limitations of the present data base and recommend follow up work to improve it.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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