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Title: Combined Second Annual Report and Relinquishment Report for Exploration Permit 34, NT for Second and Final Permit Year Ending 4 March 1992
Title Holder / Company: Pacific Oil and Gas
Report id: PR1993-0028
Tenure: EP34
Year: 1992
Corporate Author: Pacific Oil and Gas
Abstract: This report details exploration activity carried out in EP 34 by Pacific Oil & Gas Pty. Limited in permit year two, 5 March 1991 to 4 March 1992. Activity and data from previous work are summarised and the reasons for permit_relinquishment are presented.
Based on the negative results of drilling at Murphy's Range (Murphy 1, Menpes 1991), the failure of seismic data to allow reliable mapping of any sub-salt reflectors, discouraging source rock and structural indicators and the failure of magneto-telluric methods to assist exploration, the area has been assessed as non-prospective and an application to surrender the permit was lodged on 5th February 1992 to be effective from 4th March 1992.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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