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Title: Combined Annual Report EL 9843 Chapmans Hill, EL 22061 Farrands Hill South, Farrands Hill Project GR183/11 from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Tanami (NT)
Report id: CR2011-1147
Tenure: EL9843;  EL22061
Year: 2011
Author: Rohde, J
Abstract: On 30 March 2010 EL 9843 and EL 22061 were acquired by Tanami NT Pty Ltd (TNT), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tanami Gold NL, from Otter Gold Pty Ltd (Otter), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newmont Asia Pacific (Newmont). TNT is exploring the tenements for gold mineralisation. The tenements are located approximately 55 km northwest of Granites Gold Mine (Figure 1). No on ground exploration was conducted during the reporting year. Work by TNT continued with its desktop assessment of the tenements during the reporting period. As a result a regolith sampling and partial mapping program has been designed and is planned for the 2012 field season.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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