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Title: Field Study of Arumbera Sandstone, Quandong Conglomerate, Eninta Formation
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum
Report id: PR1983-0048
Year: 1983
Corporate Author: J O Phillips
Abstract: This preliminary report for Magellan Petroleum Australia, summarizes field data and gives a preliminary analysis of major conclusions of stratigraphic relations, structural features, and outcrop porosity. Included in this report are: 1. a summary of correlation within the rock units measured and their probable correlation with the Arumbera in Conrad's study area; 2. a summary of structural features active during deposition of the units, with possible applications to exploration; and 3. a presentation of the data on porosity for each of the sections measured.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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