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Title: Annual Group Report EL's 10367, 10368, 10382, 22206, 22232, 23172, 23173, 23174, 23178, 24150, 24151, 24288, 24682, 23200 and 25348 Mount Bundy Project for period ending 15 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Crocodile Gold
Report id: CR2011-1218
Tenure: EL10367;  EL10368;  EL10382;  EL22206;  EL22232;  EL23172;  EL23173;  EL23174;  EL23178;  EL24150;  EL24151;  EL24288;  EL24682;  EL23200;  EL25348
Year: 2011
Author: Watson, M
Abstract: A review of the Mt Bundy exploration tenements was conducted during the reporting period and some reconnaissance field visits were also carried out. Mercator database consultants assisted with creating a new reporting database for all Crocodile Gold exploration and mining reports. Scanning and collation of historic reports was also carried out at the Brock Creek exploration office where the document library is located. Taiga geological consultants were also used to assist with a historic geophysical data review. Rum Jungle Uranium Pty Ltd focused exploration activities on EL 10382 and EL 25348 (previously SEL 25348) completing several campaigns of geological mapping. Rum Jungle had planned to drill a total of 11 holes over these tenements however the MMP had not yet been approved and drilling could not commence. 5 holes were pegged at Anniversary Breccia West and another 2 holes pegged at Anniversary Breccia South, a new target anomalous in U and Cu. A further 4 holes were also pegged and Toms Gully West on EL 25348, over an ironstone outcrop identified by geological mapping.
Date Added: 19-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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